Deserved silesian
February has been born in 17 1888 year Żorach. It has finished high school and chemical studios in wroclaw.
It worked on several later european colleges, in prague, zurich, over frankfurt Menem and Rostocku. Lat by
several in strict with albert kolaboracji Einsteinem. There was usual professor in lats 1923-1933 and in
hamburg director of institute of chemistry of physical university, where it has developed experimental
research over molecular radii , which have confirmed foundation of theoretical quantum mechanics; it has
erformed between other measurements of magnetic moments 1933 protonu and 1938 deuteru. In 1944 year from
physics in 1944 for year for contribution to development of method of research over molecular radiation
1943 nobel prize dostal and for discovery of magnetic moment protonu. In 17 august 1969 year he is die
in Berkeley.