Deserved silesian
Jerzy Ziętek
Jerzy Ziętek ( 1901 - 1985 ) was born in 10 june 1901 year in Gliwice. Become on early august 1920 year
member of polish military organization. Effective participation took in revolt silesian. Become captain and
deputy of commander VI regiment memorial. Henry Dąbrowskiego. It has received numerous awards for deserts and
distinctions e.g. silesian star, brown cross of desert, diploma of cross on silesian ribbon of bravery and
deserts. Office of silesian governor has included in 1944 year. It emerges with its initiative provincial
park of culture and in refreshment Chorzowie, silesian hospital rheumatological -rehabilitative memorial.
Gene. In secluded spot jerzy Ziętka, room spectacular sports SPODEK; palace of young people in katowice,
educational house in katowice, institute of oncology in Gliwicach, monument of insurgent action on mountain
st. anna. 20 November 1985 year was die.